From Royal Star Long-Range Sportfishing
Fish Report for 7-27-2024

Headed south
Tim Ekstrom
Out and running south on the annual Izorline seven day voyage following yet another spectacular three day offshore bluefin run at the hands of Captain Alex Natipadab. Among the most beautiful loads of 120-180 pound bluefin this season huge congratulations are extended to Jimmy Roberts and the stellar group of anglers that joined him on his annual Summer run.
Now we shift gears intent on plying the southern waters in search of tropical varieties. Freighting a perfect load of sardines courtesy of Everingham Brothers Bait Company, we’ll steam south tomorrow enjoying a day of leisurely rigging in preparation of fishing to come. Photos and daily reports, that were unfortunately missed on the last run, will continue through Saturday and beyond. Enjoy today’s image of a classic nighttime bluefin scene. Intense is an understatement. Beautiful!
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